Three scholars smiling in a science lab
Jasleen, Nayeli, & Iris, Opportunity Scholars


This page is for current Opportunity Scholars in the Baccalaureate Scholarship program. If you’re applying for the Baccalaureate Scholarship, visit the Baccalaureate Applicants webpage.

Below are details about your scholarship. The quick links above provide access to frequently used documents and processes.

Looking for the Scholar Portal? Use this link.

Upcoming Milestones and Deadlines for Current Baccalaureate Scholars

Summer 2024 disbursements sent to schools Semester schools: April 22, 2024 
Quarter schools: June 13, 2024 
Fall 2024 disbursements sent to schools Semester schools: July 29, 2024 
Quarter schools: August 26, 2024
Winter 2025 disbursements sent to schoolsQuarter schools: December 17, 2024
Spring 2025 disbursements sent to schoolsSemester schools: December 9, 2024
Quarter Schools: March 10, 2025
Summer 2025 disbursements sent to schoolsSemester schools: April 14, 2025
Quarter Schools: June 16, 2025
Renew your scholarship for the 2025-26
academic year
During the spring, date to be announced
Submit an Award Increase Request for the
2025-26 academic year*

*Required for Scholars with a 2025 deadline,
optional for Scholars with later deadlines
June 27, 2025

Note: If you will be attending a different school for the upcoming term, you must submit a College of Enrollment Update form at least two weeks prior to the disbursement date. You can access the form and find the deadline for submitting the form in the Scholar Portal under the “Submit Request” tab.

The Baccalaureate Scholarship (BaS) provides up to $22,500 in scholarship funding to students pursuing bachelor’s degrees in high-demand STEM and health care majors in Washington state. This scholarship can stack on top of other financial aid to cover tuition, fees, and other costs, such as living expenses, food, and more. 

WSOS is more than a scholarship! You could receive access to connections, advice, networks, mentorship, and career development resources to help you succeed in college and find a job.   

Scholar Portal information 

Access information about your scholarship  

Looking for information about your scholarship? Before looking anywhere else, visit the Scholar Portal to view key details and submit forms to update your account, including:  

  • All scholarship funding and disbursement information.   
  • Important deadlines for your scholarship.   
  • Contact information, including adding your student ID number so WSOS can send your disbursement to the correct student account.   
  • Submitting required forms such as the Award Increase Request or the Renewal form.  
  • Update your college information.   

If you applied for the Baccalaureate Scholarship, please note that you do not have access to the Scholar Portal yet. You will receive any updates regarding your selection status via email. If selected to be an Opportunity Scholar, you will receive instructions on how to access the Scholar Portal at that time.

  • For optimal user experience, do not use Apple Safari web browser to log in
  • View a video tutorial or PDF manual on how to navigate the Scholar Portal.

What do I need to do to keep receiving my scholarship? What if I’m graduating?

Submit the Renewal Form each year

All Opportunity Scholars are required to complete the Renewal form every year. This means: 

  • Submitting the Renewal form in the Scholar Portal by the advertised deadline.
  • Completing your FAFSA or WASFA and having it processed by the advertised deadline.

If you already graduated or will be graduating this year, please submit the Graduation Form instead. You can find the Graduation Form in the Scholar Portal under the “Submit Request” tab

Watch the video below to learn more about how to renew your scholarship. 

Submit an Award Increase Request by your deadline

Baccalaureate Scholars are also required to submit and be approved for an Award Increase Request by their deadline. Each Scholar has a unique Award Increase Deadline, which can be found in the Scholar Portal under “Scholarship Info”. You may submit the Award Increase Request before the deadline if you meet the requirements. Read more about the Award Increase Request requirements.  

How long do I receive WSOS funding? 

You can receive WSOS funding for a total of 18 quarters or 12 semesters, but it can depend on a few different factors.

Note: Once you become a Scholar, make sure to add the domain to your list of safe senders, so you receive our emails! These emails will remind you of important deadlines. If you miss important scholarship deadlines (such as renewing your scholarship or submitting an award increase), exceed the maximum number of years of funding, or have received the maximum funding of $22,500, you will be withdrawn from the scholarship.   

How to calculate how long you’ll receive funding using application grade

WSOS calculates what we consider to be your grade level, “Application Grade,” when you apply for the scholarship.

  • This is based on the number of terms you have received state financial aid, the number of credits you have earned post-high school, or the number of terms of college you have completed post-high school (including Running Start credits).  
  • As outlined in the chart below, your “application grade” determines how long you can receive $2,500 of WSOS funding before you must be accepted into your major and submit an Award Increase Request. If your request is approved, you’ll receive more funding.
  • You can learn more about your funding in your Scholar Portal.
Application Grade How long you can receive $2,500 in funding before you must be accepted into your major 
High school senior (12) 9 quarters/6 semesters     
First year college (13)  6 quarters/4 semesters 
Second-year college (14)  3 quarters/2 semesters 
Maximum Years of Funding Available: 18 quarters/12 semesters

Washington College Grant Funding

When you apply for WSOS, WSOS verifies your FAFSA/WASFA completion, income eligibility, and any Washington College Grant (WCG) terms you have used.

  • WCG terms are the number of quarters or semesters that an applicant has received WCG funding.
  • All Scholars can receive a maximum of 12 semesters or 18 quarters of funding from WSOS, including any previous WCG funding terms they’ve received. Once you accept the scholarship, we will confirm how long you’ve received WCG funding (if you’ve received any) and subtract that from the total 18 quarters or 12 semesters of WSOS funding you can receive.
    • For example, if you received WCG funding for all three quarters of your first year of college, then you have used three WCG terms. Those three terms are then subtracted from the total WSOS funding terms you can receive – 18 WSOS total funding terms minus three WCG funding terms means you could receive WSOS funding for up to 15 terms.
  • You will be notified when you approach your final academic year of funding.

How much funding do I receive? 

Amount per academic year 

You will receive up to $2,500 each year until you submit an Award Increase Request. Learn more about Award Increase Requests.   

Note: Opportunity Scholars will receive the funding described above up to their Cost of Attendance (COA) after other financial aid has been applied. Depending on the amount of other aid you are receiving, it is possible that you may not receive the full scholarship amount. We encourage you to contact your Financial Aid office to better understand COA and how WSOS funds stack on top of other aid.

 Amount Per Academic Year* 
Before you are approved for increase $2,500 
First year after you are approved for increase $5,000 
Second year after you are approved for increase $7,500 
Third year after you are approved for increase $5,000 

Once you receive 18 quarter or 12-semester terms of funding or have received the maximum funding of $22,500, you will be withdrawn from WSOS.

Scholars enrolled part-time will receive a prorated scholarship amount. 

  • Full-time enrollment, 12 credits: Eligible for 100% of funding 
  • Part-time enrollment, 3-11 credits: Eligible for prorated (partial) funding 
  • Less than part-time enrollment, fewer than 3 credits: Not eligible for funding 

*The academic year includes the fall, winter, and spring terms. Your funding amount per year may change if you use summer funding. 

Note: If you are not meeting your school’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy during a given term, you will not be eligible for WSOS funding until you are meeting SAP again. Please reach out to your school’s financial aid office if you would like to make an appeal.

When do I receive funding? 

Disbursements are sent directly to your financial aid office before the start of each term.  

Semester SchoolsDisbursement Date 
2024 Fall Semester July 29, 2024 
2025 Spring Semester December 09, 2024
2025 Summer Semester April 14, 2025

Quarter Schools
Disbursement Date 
2024 Fall Quarter August 26, 2024
2025 Winter Quarter December 17, 2024
2025 Spring Quarter March 10, 2025
2025 Summer QuarterJune 16, 2025

You can see if funds were sent to your school by logging into the Scholar Portal and reviewing the disbursements section on the homepage. “Target Date” is when your disbursement is scheduled, and “Actual Disbursement Date” is when your scholarship was sent to your school.

Note that it can take a month or longer for schools to apply your scholarship to your account. Please be patient if the disbursement date has passed but don’t see the funds in your financial aid account as it may be due to processing time.

If you have questions or concerns about the status of your award, please reach out to your school’s financial aid office.

How do I request summer funding? 

All current Baccalaureate Scholars who have not reached the maximum term or maximum amount of funding by the end of the current academic year are eligible for summer funding. Summer funding can be requested through the renewal form, which is available in the Scholar Portal every spring. Scholars will be notified via email when the Renewal form opens each year.

You should carefully consider the implications of using your scholarship during summer term. Below is a list of considerations:

Scholars can only receive WSOS funding for up to 12 semester or 18 quarter terms or the maximum award of $22,500; if summer funding is requested, it does count as a term.

  • Scholars should request summer funding from their college by completing the FAFSA/WASFA. Some colleges require additional information or an additional summer funding application to receive financial aid. They should check with their financial aid office what forms are required, the deadline to receive financial aid, and how much financial aid they could receive to cover summer term before requesting summer support from WSOS. This is especially true for Scholars who do not plan on attending summer term full-time. Remember, if a Scholar attends part-time, their WSOS scholarship is prorated.
  • Scholars should consider their timeline for applying and being accepted into their major. A Scholar who uses summer funding could potentially use up all available $2,500 funding support before being admitted into their major and applying for increased funding through WSOS. If that occurs, a Scholar will be placed on deferment until they have been approved for increased funding support.

Check with your college to confirm which year’s FAFSA/WASFA you must fill out/update in order to receive financial aid in the summer.


All Scholars can defer their scholarship for one academic year (2 semesters or 3 quarters). A deferment is a pause in your scholarship where you will not receive WSOS funding for the term(s) you request.

To request a deferment, please submit a Deferment Request Form in the Scholar Portal under the “Submit
Request” tab.

Note that deferments may be added to your account by us, even if you did not request them, if your school determines that you are not meeting any of the following WSOS eligibility criteria:

  • You were not enrolled at your school during a given term(s)
  • You were enrolled in fewer than 3 credits during a given term(s)
  • You were not meeting your school’s Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) policy during a given term(s)

If your deferment request is approved, we will add your deferments to your account for the term(s) you requested.

If you have already reached the maximum number of deferments available and you request another deferment, your request will be denied. If you exceed the maximum number of deferments available, you will be withdrawn from the scholarship.

Support you receive beyond your scholarship funding 

WSOS provides connections, advice, networks, mentorship, and career development resources to help you succeed in college and beyond.  

Mentorship programs 

The Scholar Lead Mentorship Program is our peer-mentoring program. First and second year Scholars are paired with a third- to fifth-year Scholar who helps with the transition to higher education. Scholar Leads host community events, build community, and connect you to resources. Your Lead will answer your questions and help you succeed! 

The Skills that Shine (StS) Mentorship Program is our industry mentorship program. Scholars are paired with an industry professional who becomes a mentor. Your mentor can connect you to job and internship opportunities, expand your network, help with a resume, cover letter, and more.   

Leadership programs 

Scholar Lead Mentorship Program: As a third, fourth or fifth-year Scholar, you can support your fellow Scholars as a Scholar Lead! In this role, you’d serve as a peer mentor to fellow Scholars around the state throughout the school year under the supervision and support of a WSOS advisor. You’ll engage with Scholars to help them navigate the college environment and foster a sense of community. 

Career Development 

Opportunity Scholars are invited to participate in one-of-a-kind events and career–readiness training with WSOS partners, including: 

  • Learning how to access jobs at top employers in Washington state in your field of study; 
  • Accessing available internships and jobs across the state of Washington; and 
  • Participating in WSOS-exclusive trainings and engaging in career readiness resources. 

These resources are invaluable.  Make sure to read all emails you receive from WSOS! They often include key opportunities for career development. 

Reach out to with any questions or concerns about WSOS programming.

Join the WSOS-exclusive Opportunity Scholar and Alumni LinkedIn group. By joining the group, you can grow your professional network, hear first about internship and job opportunities, and learn more about professional development opportunities in your field of study. 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What if I decide to attend a different school than what’s in my Scholar Portal? 

  • If you have not been approved for an Award Increase Request: You must submit a College of Enrollment Update Form in your Scholar Portal.  
    • In your Scholar Portal, go to Submit Request > Submit College of Enrollment Update. 
  • If you have already been approved for an Award Increase Request at your previous school: You need to submit a new Award Increase Request to show that you are still pursuing an eligible major at your new school and that your credits from your previous school have transferred over to your new school. 
    • In your Scholar Portal, go to Submit Request > Request Award Increase. 

What if I decide to change my major/program? 

  • If you have not been approved for an Award Increase Request: Update your major/program when you submit an Award Increase Request or the Annual Renewal form, whichever comes first. 
  • If you have already been approved for an Award Increase Request for your original major: Submit a new Award Increase Request to show that you are still pursuing an eligible major. 
    • In your Scholar Portal, go to Submit Request > Request Award Increase. 

Why don’t I see my scholarship in my financial aid award letter? 

Your scholarship may not show up in your financial aid award letter from your school before the start of the academic year because WSOS sends fall term funds later in the summer. 

Can I use my scholarship to pay for remedial, transitional (ABE, ESL, high school completion), and continuing education classes? 

  • WSOS funds remedial courses since they are college credit classes, and the cost is equivalent to the total cost of a college credit class.  
  • We do not fund transitional or continuing education classes, as they are typically free or low in cost. 

Why did I receive less than my full award amount? 

Please contact your school’s financial aid office to confirm why you didn’t receive your full award amount.

WSOS sends your full award amount to your school each term. When you don’t receive the total WSOS amount, it could mean one of the following:

  • WSOS can be used to cover up to your Cost of Attendance (COA). COA = tuition, fees, books, supplies, and living expenses for one academic year. When you don’t receive the total WSOS amount, it could mean your COA is met for that term or academic year by other sources of your financial aid package.
  • When you do the FAFSA this year, you will receive a Student Aid Index (SAI) number. If your SAI is higher than your COA, you are not eligible for WSOS funding.
  • If you receive other forms of financial aid, such as the Federal Pell Grant, Washington College Grant, or other scholarships, it may impact how much WSOS funding you receive.
  • Scholars enrolled part-time will receive a prorated scholarship amount. 
    • Full-time enrollment, 12 credits: Eligible for 100% of funding 
    • Part-time enrollment, 3-11 credits: Eligible for prorated (partial) funding 
    • Less than part-time enrollment, fewer than 3 credits: Not eligible for funding 

Contact us 

Email is the primary way we communicate with you. Make sure to check your spam settings to make sure you are receiving WSOS emails. While you have the right to unsubscribe from WSOS emails, this will result in missing important information and deadline reminders.  

Questions? Contact, or leave us a voicemail at 1-877-899-5002 and we’ll get back to you.