Alem, Opportunity Scholar, smiling in a science lab
Alem, Opportunity Scholar

Welcome Opportunity Scholars!

Scholar smiling for a photo at their graduation ceremony
Felecia, Opportunity Scholar

WSOS offers Washington students financial assistance, career training, and mentorship opportunities. WSOS is an organization focused on removing barriers to getting an education and helping Washington students find their pathway to high-demand STEM and trade careers in Washington state.

As an Opportunity Scholar, you will receive the support you need to prepare for your job.  

Celebrate with us on social!

We want to celebrate with you! Share a photo with your acceptance letter on social, and we will reshare it!

Tag us @oppscholarship!

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Stephanie, Opportunity Scholar, sitting in scrubs in front of her college.

“I am so excited to say that I got my dream job in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit.

WSOS helped me during the most stressful years of life in nursing school by helping me cover tuition costs. I am so thankful for the help I have received as it made my life less stressful throughout this exciting but difficult journey.”

— Stephanie, Opportunity Scholar

Accept your scholarship!

Johnson, Opportunity Scholar, typing at a laptop

“The Washington State Opportunity Scholarship isn’t just a financial lifeline; it’s a launchpad for my dreams. As a first-gen student juggling finances and guardianship of my niece, this scholarship isn’t just a Band-Aid – it’s a superpower. This scholarship is more than a chapter in my education; it’s a whole new story waiting to be written.”

— Johnson, Opportunity Scholar

Questions about your scholarship?

The best place to find more details about your scholarship is through the Scholar Portal!

Madelynn, Opportunity Scholar, wearing her cap and gown at her graduation.

I 100% benefited from the mentorship and resources that WSOS provided. I can’t recommend the Skills That Shine program enough, and I gained so much from having a mentor provided to me by WSOS.

I think collectively, I needed guidance to navigate my education and my future. Being a first-generation college student (now graduate), it feels like you have to figure everything out alone and usually, that means not having a clue where to start. WSOS provided a place to start, and I am a success story because of their guidance and support.

— Madelynn, Opportunity Scholar

Learn more about your scholarship

Visit the pages below to learn more about your scholarship

Graduate Scholarship

For Opportunity Scholars who intend to earn an advanced Nurse Practioner degree.

Baccalaureate Scholarship

For Opportunity Scholars who intend to earn their bachelor’s degree — including those who want to transfer or receive their bachelor’s degree from a community college.

Career & Technical Scholarship

For Opportunity Scholars who intend to earn their certificate, apprenticeship, or associate degree.

Still have questions after checking your Scholar Portal? Email us at