Basic Needs: Local/community resources for needs such as housing, food, childcare, etc.

Washington State Department of Social and Health Services Housing, food, medical assistance 
YouthCare Housing in the Seattle area 
211 Search for resources (crisis and emergency, housing, food, financial assistance, health care) by city 
Northwest Harvest List of food banks by county in Washington 
Child Care Aware of Washington Find local childcare 
Low-Income Home Energy Assistance Program Provides financial support for the cost of utility services 
Affordable Connectivity Program Discounted internet program 
Unemployment Information about unemployment benefits 
DSHS Reduced Cost Services Guide List of low-cost resources by county. Includes low-cost utilities, transportation, museums, zoos, and more.

Campus Resources: Resources will vary by college. Be sure to check your school’s website or ask a staff member to find out if a certain resource is available at your campus.

ResourceType of Support
Able-Bodied Adults without Dependents (ABAWD) ABAWD Navigators provide support in employment and training, referring students to resources, and applying for food benefits. 
Basic Food Employment and Training (BFET) BFET office/staff support students in qualifying for basic food assistance, subsidized childcare, and identifying additional funding sources. 
Counseling Services Free academic, career, or personal counseling services. 
Childcare/parent supports Free or low-cost childcare or a referral to a community resource. 
Workforce Education services Funding for tuition, fees, parking, or a referral to a community resource. 
Food pantry Food pantries may be available on campus, or students may be referred to a local food bank. 
Technology support center Technology support or equipment loan, such as a laptop for schoolwork. 
Veteran/Military Student Services Veterans, active duty, and/or family members may be provided with resources such as tuition discounts, mentoring, advising, or referrals. 
Multicultural Center/Office of Equity and Inclusion Provides resources, programming and community for underrepresented students. 
Disability Resource Center Students with disabilities can request accommodations, such as accessible parking, sign language interpreting, and testing accommodations. 
Financial Aid Office Ask your financial aid office about additional sources of funding, including emergency funding or grants. 
Scholarship Foundation Many colleges have a foundation that fundraises for student scholarships. Applications will vary depending on the college. 
Tutoring Services/Writing Center One-on-one assistance or group tutoring. 
WorkFirst Program Provides employment, training, and other benefits for students who receive TANF 
Worker Retraining Program Supports students in retraining for a new job or career. Services include tuition assistance, educational advising and planning, and job search assistance. 

Career Development: Resources to help you search and apply for employment.

Faculty in your program Your faculty have often worked in industry and are still connected to local/regional employers! 
Campus Career Center Your college may have an office or place on its website where you can seek support for building a resume, networking, and internship opportunities. 
Workforce Development Council Resources include information about high-demand sectors in the region, career development resources, job boards for internships or full-time employment 
WorkSource Washington Resources include skills workshops, job boards, hiring fairs, information about different sectors and occupations, and career assessment tools. Some colleges have a specific WorkSource office on campus. 
CareerOneStop Learn more about different careers and view tips regarding resumes, cover letters, and interviewing. 
Centers of Excellence There are 11 centers, each serving a different field. Many of the centers’ websites have job, internship, and apprenticeship boards, as well as industry-specific resources. 

Community/Wellness Resources

Emergency Services Phone NumberDial 911 for situations requiring immediate assistance from police, fire, or ambulance.
Mental Health Crisis Support Phone NumberDial 988 for situations requiring immediate assistance by phone from trained mental health counselors.
Social Services Support Phone NumberDial 211 for social services and community resources like housing, food, and employment help.
LGBTQ+ Inclusive Crisis Phone NumbersTrevor Project: Dial 1-866-488-7386, or text START to 678-678
Trans Lifeline: 877-565-8860
Suicide & Crisis Lifeline: 988


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