Remote Practicum Site Travel Stipend Policy 

Graduate Scholars completing their clinical practicum 50 miles or more from their permanent residence can apply for a $500 per term travel stipend. This travel stipend is available to WSOS Graduate (GRD) Scholarship awardees only when training in a designated Medically Underserved Area (MUA) or Health Professional Shortage Area (HPSA) in Washington state. 

A Scholar is eligible to receive the $500 travel stipend up to five times during the three-year period of the scholarship for a maximum of $2,500.  

Application Approval and Stipend Payment Procedure  

Applications are available in the Scholar Portal. Please submit your application to the Scholar Portal as soon as you receive placement at a remote MUA or HPSA site.  

Administration of Travel Stipend and Tax Implications  

After the stipend is approved, Scholars will receive a link to set up an account with to receive payment.  

  • This travel stipend does not fit the IRS definition of a qualified scholarship expense per IRC §117. Qualified scholarship expenses include tuition and fees, books, supplies and equipment. This means the travel stipend cannot be excluded from taxable income.  
  • All Scholars who receive more than $600 in a tax year will receive a 1099 form from WSOS’s Program Administrator, the WSOS Foundation.