To be added to the list of majors eligible to receive WSOS funding, each major or Classification of Instructional Program (CIP) must meet the following three criteria: 

  1. Be considered STEM or health care 
  2. Lead to high-demand fields of work in Washington state 
  3. Lead to a living wage job upon graduating with a bachelor’s degree  

WSOS welcomes feedback from partners and stakeholders around the state to help ensure our list encompasses all STEM and health care programs that reflect workforce needs. If you would like to recommend a baccalaureate major to be added to the list, submit a Community Input Form and we will review it.

If you are not sure whether a major meets the requirements to be added to the Eligible Majors list, you can explore job demand and projected earnings by searching for the major on the Washington Career Bridge and navigating to Performance Results. 

Navia, Daud, Randee, & Erin, Opportunity Scholars, walking down a waterfront path
Navia, Daud, Randee, & Erin, Opportunity Scholars