WSOS + Rural Communities

The Washington State Legislature created the Rural Jobs Initiative (RJI) in 2018. Thanks to the generous support of Brad Smith and Kathy Surace-Smith and the continuing support of Gary and Jennifer Rubens, we were able to support our first cohort of Scholars in 2020.

RJI was created to address the unique barriers facing rural communities and technical college students. The program makes it easier for residents farthest from Washington’s community and technical college campuses to earn a credential that will help them get a high-demand job in their rural community.

Rep. Mike Chapman, a Democrat representing Washington’s 24th Legislative District and the Olympic Peninsula, sponsored the bill because he saw the insurmountable higher education barriers facing too many of our state’s rural students. He crafted the program to open doors to economic opportunity while encouraging students to pursue jobs their communities need.

Top five institutions attended for RJI recipients:

  • 16% attend Bellingham Technical College
  • 15% attend Grays Harbor College
  • 14% attend Yakima Valley College
  • 12% attend Spokane Community College
  • 9% attend Peninsula College

Top three programs RJI recipients have pursued:

  • 29% pursue nursing
  • 19% pursue a credential in medical assisting
  • 11% pursue a credential in medical support services

85 Opportunity Scholars have graduated from the RJI since the first cohort in 2020.

“This program is encouraging students to pursue the credentials that are critically needed in their hometowns,” said Rep. Chapman. “Connecting residents to training and education pathways that lead to strong jobs in their rural communities is invaluable to both the people and businesses that call these places home; it’s a win-win for students and employers.”

“Community colleges are a vital connection between students and the jobs that fuel our economy,” said Sen. Matt Boehnke, a Republican representing the eighth legislative district including the Tri-Cities. “Careers in the trades and STEM are growing in all corners of Washington, not just in urban populations. This program provides important pathways to these opportunities, connecting our beautiful rural cities and towns to strong jobs and living wages.”

Learn more about the most recently selected Opportunity Scholars in the Rural Jobs Initiative (Cohort 3):

“WSOS has allowed me to be a present father in my children’s lives while pursuing school and my career. Being financially supported through my schooling has motivated me to keep going. I will be forever grateful for this scholarship and opportunity.”

JAIME, Career & Technical Scholar, Rural Jobs Initiative recipient, Chemical Dependency Specialist, Yakima Valley College