An update to our community from WSOS

Daily life during the COVID-19 pandemic feels a lot different for us and for our Scholars, families, friends, neighbors and communities. We wanted to take a minute to update you on how WSOS is approaching this rapidly changing situation.

For the past few weeks, our staff has made the move to working remotely to not only protect our team but also to do our part in protecting the greater community through social distancing. Our ability to work digitally enables us to remain fully operational in service to our Scholars. We have and will continue to work with our partners and stakeholders across Washington to provide uninterrupted access to financial aid and career-launching support services to thousands of trade, STEM and health care students across Washington.

While we are deeply grateful for the privilege to operate remotely, we want to recognize that not all who are in our communities have that same opportunity. Our thoughts are with all those whose economic and physical health are impacted by this virus.

Now more than ever, we are reminded why Washington needs a strong pipeline of nurses, doctors and infectious disease researchers – and why supporting scientists and those who will engineer biomedical devices is important for the safety of our community. Supporting their futures is an investment in the health of our own.

One-third of our Scholars are pursuing careers in health care or public health. Like the health care workers of today who are bravely fighting COVID-19 around the globe, these Scholars will soon be responsible for battling unprecedented disease on the frontline tomorrow. So, while we face uncertainty in these extraordinary times, we also find hope in the future we are building together.

And because we believe in science at WSOS, we will continue listening to the experts as they advise us how to stay safe and how we can help. We all have a role to play in stopping the spread of the virus and supporting each other.

Until we can safely see you in person again, know that we are still here, working to support the STEM and health care professionals of tomorrow who will keep Washington strong and healthy for years to come. And in case you need us, please don’t hesitate to reach out,